ihomefinder optima leads screenshot

Optima Leads

Work your real estate leads wherever you are.

Manage your iHomefinder IDX account no matter where you are. Contact your leads, see what listings they are looking at, enter notes and monitor their lead activity in real time.

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ihomefinder optima leads general activity screen

Activity Snapshot

View a live feed of your IDX activity.

View the latest activity by your leads, including what properties they are looking at, searches saved or questions they have asked about a property. Respond to them instantly to show them how responsive you are. Turn on notifications to be alerted instantly that they have a question.

ihomefinder optima leads general activity screen

Instant Connections

Quickly access, add, and update your leads.

Easily call, text or email your leads right from your phone without logging in to your website. If you meet someone new (such as at an open house), quickly add them via the app and enter a note to remember what their needs are.

ihomefinder optima lead activity report

Lead Activity

Monitor your leads activity and see what's catching their interest.

View your recent leads activity, including the properties they're looking at, searches saved or questions asked about a property. Reply instantly and show them how responsive you are. Turn on notifications and be alerted immediately when leads have a question.

Get Started with Optima Leads

Contact us to learn more about Optima Leads and how you canmonitor your leads from your smart phone.